Sumter School District Flyer Procedure

Sumter School District works with our school organizations, nonprofit organizations, and community organizations to make information about not-for-profit activities or services and enrichment opportunities available to families — providing their material meets our standards.

Sumter School District does not distribute flyers directly to students. Information is made available in a common area of the school, usually the front office.

Sumter School District allows approved information for nonprofit 501(c)(3) and not-for-profit organizations, providing the material meets district criteria and guidelines.

Materials regarding for-profit (commercial) businesses are generally not permitted; however, exceptions may be made if the information meets an identified educational need, not a commercial motive.

Standards for Flyers

  • Activities must benefit our students, help develop character, must be related to youth education, and/or be part of a community recreation program.
  • Flyer shall not promote nor discourage religion and shall be nondenominational in nature.
  • Flyer contains school names only as part of the location information for events held at schools and in no way implies events are endorsed by school or district.
  • Flyer does not disrupt the educational process, violate the rights of others, include material that is defamatory, invade the privacy of others, infringe on a copyright, or be obscene, vulgar or indecent.
  • Materials regarding for-profit (commercial) businesses are generally not permitted. Exceptions can be made for school partners who have an ongoing relationship with the school, or district-level partners. If approved, the flyer will have a minimal amount of advertising content.